Canterbury TalesLiterature

The Canterbury Tales – Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales comprises twenty four stories, plus prologues and occasional epilogues of ‘words from the host’. Written by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400 the original works are considered to be one of the greatest pieces of literary work authored in middle English.

The text of each section of the Canterbury Tales is linked to below. They are a copy of public domain translation to modern English from a website that is no longer online: text taken via

Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

The Knight’s Tale

The Miller’s Prologue

The Millers Tale

The Reeve’s Prologue

The Reeve’s Tale

The Cook’s Prologue

The Cook’s Tale

Introduction to the Lawyer’s Prologue

The Lawyers Prologue

The Lawyers Tale

The Sailor’s Prologue

The Sailor’s Tale

The Prioresses Prologue

The Prioresses Tale

Prologue to Sir Thopas

Tale of Sir Thopas

Prologue to Melibee

The Tale of Melibee

The Monk’s Prologue

The Monk’s Tale

The Prologue to the Nun’s Priest’s Tale

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale

Epilogue to the Nun’s Priest’s Tale

The Physician’s Tale

The Words of the Host

The Prologue to the Pardoner’s Tale

The Pardoner’s Tale

Chaucer’s Wife of Bath, including brief notes

Direct to The Wife Of Bath’s Prologue

Direct to The Tale Of The Wife Of Bath

The Friar’s Prologue

The Friar’s Tale

The Summoner’s Prologue

The Summoner’s Tale

The Clerk’s Prologue

The Clerk’s Tale

The Merchant’s Prologue

The Merchant’s Tale

Epilogue To The Merchant’s Tale

The Squire’s Prologue

The Squire’s Tale

The Words Of The Franklin And The Host

The Franklin’s Prologue

The Franklin’s Tale

The Second Nun’s Prologue

The Second Nun’s Tale

The Canon’s Yeoman’s Prologue

The Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale

The Manciple’s Prologue

The Manciple’s Tale

The Parson’s Prologue

The Parson’s Tale

The Maker Of This Book Takes His Leave


Dan Moorhouse

Dan Moorhouse graduated in History and Politics and has since undertaken postgraduate studies in Medieval History and Education. Dan is a member of the Royal Historical Society and has previously been a member of the Historical Association’s Secondary Education Committee. Dan’s early publishing was in the Secondary School History Education field. This included co-authoring the Becta Award shortlisted Dynamic Learning: Medicine Through Time series for Hodder Murray and contributing to the Bafta Award winning Smallpox Through Time documentary series by A former teacher, Dan now concentrates on research and writing, predominantly in Medieval English history. Books by Dan Moorhouse On this day in the Wars of the Roses On this day in the Hundred Years War

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